 BBC Tennis Pavillion, Bristol Road, Birmingham  1971  Alternate Saturdays
Date Formed:
!6th Oct 1971
Date Folded:
Richard ??????
Mike ??????
Early Residents:
Arthro-Courtney Duo (Richard & Mike the organisers)

Brian Clift has recently sent me a copy of the leaflet for the opening night of Pebble Mill Folk Club, reproduced below), when as part of the group Turkey Rhubarb (John Rose, Mike Billington and Brian Clift), they appeared as the first guests of the club. This club was a bit unique, in the fact that there was no bar and you were invited to bring your own drinks. The opening night was actually at Pebble Mill in the club lounge, but after that it was held at the BBC tennis courts on the Bristol Road

Photo Album:
Information Sources:
Harvey Andrews
Brian Clift

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