The Traditional Arts Team was formed in March 1999, and initially comprised of Pam Bishop, Graham Langley, Katrice Horsley and Ian Ellis. They ran workshops on folksong, music, dancing and storytelling, and some of their projects have become independent entities (e.g. Moseley Village Band & Birmingham Storytelling Cafe) . One of their first Projects was "A People's Cabaret", which was a  monthly series of  concerts and performances held at the Hare & Hounds in Kings Heath from March 1999 until June 2002. One of their advertising cards can be seen below and the full 3 year programme can be found at:-

Gallery of Guests for A People's Cabaret (

The Traditional Arts Team also ran the "Folk Diary" for a while after Joe Smith stepped down from producing it, before passing on the job to Kingate Press, and they are still involved in organising events to this day. More about the team and their past and current programmes, including the Moseley Village Band and Birmingham Storytelling Cafe, can be found at  the link below.

Thanks to Pam Bishop for the advertising card and information.


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